Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New system for combat sport scoring...

I came up with a system that will keep the intent of the "10 point must" system, while allowing rounds to be weighted according to performance.  The 10 point system is the equivalent of scoring all hits in baseball game the same...all homeruns are not singles.

I call this the "9 Point System".  In each round, a judge needs to distibute a TOTAL of 9 points BETWEEN the fighters with specific guidelines.

Here is the breakdown:

A close round without a "clear cut" winner will be scored 5-4 in favor of the fighter who did more.  This score should be used as sparingly as possible.
A round in which a particular fighter clearly won, should be scored 6-3.
A round in which a particular fighter dominated, should be scored 7-2.  An example of this would be "rocking" or "wobbling" an opponent or being close to completing a submission for an amount of time.
8-1 and 9-0 scores can be given, but only in cases of extremely lopsided rounds.

This system will accomplish a couple of things.  First, it rewards fighters for having dominant rounds.  No longer will barely winning a round be equivalent to nearly finishing the fight.  Second, a fighter cannont afford to be passive when they think they are ahead on the scorecards, as one dominant round (6-3, three point differential) will trump two close rounds (5-4, a total of two points differential).  In my opinion, this will keep things fair and exciting.

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